The Registrar.

Registrar’s Office

The Registrar is the Chief Establishment Officer in charge of the Registry, and also the overseer of the College administration. The Registrar’s office is the co-ordinating centre for activities of all other divisions in the Department. Instructions are received from the office by the various divisions in running the affairs of the Department.

Ag. REGISTRAR Profile Picture.

Academic Affairs Division

The Division in the Registrar’s Department is responsible to the Registrar for all matters pertaining to:

Records and statistics on (i) and (ii) and, other Academic Records and matters.
The division keeps in custody for the Polytechnic, the Standing Rules and Regulations on academic matters and sees to their implementation and interpretation to students, staff and the general public.
The division services the Academic Board and some of its Committees, e.g., Admissions Committee and deals with important programmes such as Matriculation, Graduation, Convocation matter, and award of prizes to students. It is the division that sees to the overall supervision, opening, up-dating and safe-keeping of Students Academic Records. Preparation of Students Statistics for both internal and external consumption is also one of the major functions of the division. It is the division that is in charge of sales, collection and processing of application forms for Admission. It is responsible for collation of admission requirements and compilation, and preparation of admission advertisement for publication. Enquiries on the issues listed above are directed or referred to the division.

In addition, the division, in liaising with the Institution’s Departments, is responsible for the processing of examination results for the consideration and approval of the Academic Board. It also takes charge of sponsorship, scholarship and endowment for students and liaises with sponsors and parents on students academic results and performances. Finally, the division deals with information and references on students and enquiries from other Institutions and employers of labour on their academic records.

Industrial Liaison and Placement Division

The Division is in-charge of Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES). The Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) formerly called Supervised Industrial Experience (SIE) is a desirable and compulsory part of the Polytechnic academic programmes. It is a skilled training programme designed to expose students to work methods and experience in handling equipment and machinery that may not be available in educational institutions. It also strengthens employer’s involvement in the entire educational process of preparing students for employment in the industry. At present, the scheme is restricted to programmes in Mass Communication, Sciences, Engineering and Technology including Environment Studies. It covers a period of four months immediately after the first year of studies at the ND level.

Personnel and General Administration Division

This division is made up of three units, namely:

Establishment Unit (for Senior and Junior Staff)
Welfare Unit
General Administration Unit

The Institution places premium on effective personnel management. This is because it realises that the successful attainment of the Institution’s objectives depends, to a large extent, on the type and quality of its staff.
Consequently, this division, through its sub-units has the responsibility of ensuring that adequate, qualified and experienced staff are maintained in the Polytechnic at all levels from time to time. The division also makes arrangement for constant staff development programmes, by way of training and retraining within and outside the Institution, inclusive of participation in overseas short courses, seminars and technical workshops.

Establishments Unit

The unit is further sub-divided into two, namely Senior Staff Establishment. The unit handles personnel matters; recruitment, promotion/advancement, deployment, discipline and industrial relations while it also applies and interprets administrative regulations. It is the responsibility of this unit to maintain and take custody of statutory records and documents, coupled with initiating and implementing approved training policy and programmes. Other responsibilities include, assisting in formulating administrative budget proposals and where necessary, checking administrative vote.

General Administrative Unit

It is the duty of this unit to assist in all matters pertaining to general administration and collection of administrative data and report and maintaining personnel records. It maintains and takes custody of statutory records and documents including preparation of monthly, quarterly and annual reports. It is responsible for preparation of staff nominal roll.